Friday, December 4, 2015

Day 3 – Pets are People

I bet you can’t guess what Day 3’s topic is about. My pets! All four of them. Yes, I said four: two dogs, Charlie and Luna; and two cats, Chester and Abby. These poor poor souls have had to take the back seat for our attention for that last FIFTEEN MONTHS! As soon as that little girl popped into our world, my husband and I have been so overwhelmed with just how amazing a little human can be that we have completely lacked in our parenting towards our furry kids.

That is going to change with this 14-day challenge. My daughter is finally at an age where she doesn’t rely on me for every little thing. She can hold her sippy cup, she can move wherever she pleases, she can feed herself at the table, and she can sit on the floor and play by herself for certain periods of time. This means I can turn my attention to my four fur-covered, snuggle-craving, (somewhat smelly), children.

Yesterday, I got the furminator out. Something I haven’t done in 7-8 months. And I brushed and brushed and brushed those puppies until they just simply couldn’t be brushed anymore. Not only did the puppies love this simple task (that took around 20 minutes), but now they’ll shed less on my couches! This is also a cute learning moment you can use for you child. Rose wanted desperately to be a part of the situation. So I gave her a regular brush and together we spent those 20 minutes loving our pups.

Today, I brushed the cats and gave them extra cuddles and pets. Also, it was so nice out today that Rose and I put on our coats and went outside and threw the ball with the dogs. I think this goal is going to be easy too.

They say people with pets live longer, because pets relieve stress. The way the last two days have gone, I can see where they’re coming from. At this pace, I’ll live to be 100. 

1 comment:

  1. you have so much love to give you could easily house like four more pups! but seriously, charlie's legs in that top right photo <3
