Saturday, February 27, 2016

Rainbow Bath Paint

We can all agree that the longer days are a good thing, right? Especially, when it means that warmer temperatures are around the corner. But until then, a day at home with an 18-month-old can feel like forever. 

Yesterday, we desperately needed an activity that would help break up our day and last more than 10 minutes. In our house, bath time is always an thumbs-up choice for a 30 minute or more activity. To shake things up, I broke out the shaving cream and food coloring and made a not-so-cute rainbow. Why make it perfect when it's going to be messed up in seconds? 

Simply, mix some shaving cream and coloring in a separate bowls and carefully (or not so carefully) spread onto a smooth surface. I used a giant plastic lid that goes with one of my mixing bowls. 

It proved to be an excellent pre-bath activity. Since both the mess and messy child were already in the bath, clean-up was also fairly quick and easy. My little lady played with the shaving cream for a good 15 minutes before a long 20 minute bath. 

All in all, I can say this time-wasting activity was pretty successful. 

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